Educational Computing in the Electronic Age
Dr. Jerry P. Galloway
Activity Sheet
Spreadsheet Activities
Return to Spreadsheet Ch. 5
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I. Sorts & Subtotals---II. Gradebook---III. Fund Raiser---IV. Inventory

I. Sorts and Subtotals in Excel

This is a hands-on "lab" activity in which you will develop subtotals in Excel as well as work on database management using the Excel spreadsheet.  This includes using a "Form View" (single-record display) of database records within the Excel spreadsheet.

Follow the instructions in the guided activity.  Complete and turn in the last page called Spreadsheet Problems.

The file is called SORTFORM.DOC and is located in the WP_FILES folder in the ACTIVITIES folder.

The file can be accessed by clicking  HERE.


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II. Gradebook

You are to create a spreadsheet layout to reflect a Gradebook for a fictitious course.

Your course will have a minimum of 8 students.  You must record at least an overall course grade for each student based on "weighted" grades as listed below.  This of course requires that the grades for each student would be recorded as well.  All relevant information is expected.

This particular class scenario requires that grades be recorded on a percentage basis (not a "point" system).... i.e.,  a perfect score = 100 percent.  However, one score in your grade book will be recorded on a 10 point basis (point system / max. value = 10) which will be called the Project grade.

You must reflect the following grades with these weighted values in your gradebook.  Remember, all grades will be on a percentage basis except for the Project grade which will be recorded on a 10 point basis:

Daily Assignments
2 grades
Each weighted as 1 (single)
Weekly Tests
2 grades
Each weighted as 2 (double)
Project Grade
1 grade
Weighted as 3 (triple)
Cumulative Exam
1 grade
Weighted as 4 (quadruple)

Other data which might be recorded in the spreadsheet layout:

Ask your instructor whether the gradebook is to be turned in electronically or on hardcopy printout.  Also, ask whether whether you are to provide a value display, a formula display or both.


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III. Fund Raiser

You are to create a spreadsheet layout to reflect a "Fund-Raiser" selling candy bars to raise money.

You are a teacher in charge of a class project selling chocolate bars to raise funds for your class and department.  Your whole class of 15 kids is involved and the project is approximately 3/4 finished.  You must record and report at least the kinds of information listed on the back as required.  Other kinds of information might be useful for you to compare and report.

Your spreadsheet must reflect the following information:
  1. Wholesale cost (paid to the candy bar company)
  2. Price (to the customer)
  3. Total income per student
  4. Overall income
  5. Profit per student
  6. Overall profit
  7. A graphic chart to reflect income or quantity by student.
  8. Other (ask instructor): _____________________
Optional data that you might consider:
  1. Profits contributed to department (per student)
  2. Profits contributed to department (per class)
  3. Profits retained by class (per student)
  4. Profits retained by class (per class)
  5. Comparisons with other classes
  6. Comparisons with other years
Content suggestions: Information that does not vary probably should not be "broken-down" per student.  It would be unlikely and difficult to create a very high quality or very complex spreadsheet design without the aid of absolute cell references.
A sample project has been completed for you to review.  While your project should NOT look like this sample, it is provided for clarity and to help you generate ideas about your project's design and layout.  To access the file called  CANDYBAR.XLS ... Click HERE.

Ask your instructor whether the gradebook is to be turned in electronically or on hardcopy printout.  Also, ask whether whether you are to provide a value display, a formula display or both.


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IV. Inventory of General Store

Create a spreadsheet to reflect the inventory management of a general store.  You will need a variety of the following...

  1. products
  2. product ID numbers
  3. vendor companies
  4. order tracking
  5. wholesales costs
  6. inventory control quantities
  7. current inventory quantities
  8. subtotal values (wholesale)
  9. subtotal values (retail)
You can interpret the list above as may be appropriate for the scenario you design.  Your design should reflect a minimum of 35 separate products in your general store.  Also, your spreadsheet must be a dynamic and functional tool that may be used to actually manage the inventory and products of your general store and not merely a static or dormant listing of information.  Be realistic and anticipate how quantities rise and fall with sales and that your spreadsheet might be used to place orders for new shipments, etc.

Ask your instructor whether the gradebook is to be turned in electronically or on hardcopy printout.  Also, ask whether whether you are to provide a value display, a formula display or both.

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Dr. Jerry P. Galloway